I’m trying so hard to process and get into the headspace I need to keep going. My brain is buzzing with emotions… it’s been back and forth on that pendulum all weekend.
One minute I’m thinking, “girl this so much smaller and
more manageable now” then the next minute I’m scream crying and wondering “how
much more can we take?”
I’m upset and annoyed with myself. I know I have the
ability and tools to better my situation. I was doing so good with my eating,
my no alcohol, the things I feel I need to do to help even if it’s just a
fraction of the whole picture. But, then I get “oh you’re going to be “one of
those” people” or “oh now you’re never drinking again?” Peer pressure is real.
Almost nothing is set up in our society
to help people eat and drink right but then to listen to people say shit like
that when you’re just trying to live your life? It’s fucked up. It’s hard
enough trying to do “the right thing” on your own but then to listen to the
snide comments is really disheartening.
Maybe once you get cancer and are fucking CLAWING your
way back to life after dragging yourself on the floor from asking God “why you”
then you’ll shut the fuck up and let me live my life without your fucking
I was trying my absolute best to not disrupt your life
with my new eating habits that I stopped completely. That’s my fault and I
guess I’ll have to get a thick skin towards the people who feel the need to
made their comments.
Fuck. Through trying to process I’m playing the blame
game as you can see. Me, you, doctors, life. I’m just so tired. And I feel so
blindsided. My original diagnosis made sense. I FELT sick. Had felt sick for
years. This time, minus minor pain which I chalked up to surgery stuff still, I
felt great.
My kids do not deserve this. They deserve to be kids.
Please love, hug, and appreciate your babies… mine are being forced to grow up
far too quickly. See the ugly in the world far too young.
People made comments about me homeschooling too. Glad I
did because here we are again. Next time, keep your mouth shut, because once
again YOU'RE NOT LIVING THIS LIFE and have zero fucking clue what it’s like for
me or my immediate family. I’m the one whose spent hours, days, months
researching my cancer and it’s tendencies but please tell me again how I’m
“done with cancer and should put them back in school” or I’m being “too
negative.” No I’m being as realistic as I can while still trying to be
positive… why don’t you walk that line while you’re healthy and tell me how it
goes. Most people can’t even do that without illness or handicaps. So fuck you.
Why not encourage me instead? Is that so hard?
I’m just going to apologize now and say I’m sorry for my
future responses because I’m not going to be nice towards your comments
anymore. You get to spout your snide comments about me trying to better my life
and I sit and hear it with little or no response. Not anymore.
Friday I wasn’t bitter but scared and sad. Today I’m
fucking bitter. I try so hard, so hard…. To be a decent human being. To do the
“right” thing, to be there for others… some of them very clearly taking
advantage of that. I know a couple in particular who are reading this right now
have, do, and will. You’re the next ones that need to go from my life.
My circle of trusted, good friends/family is getting
smaller but they’re the only ones who seem to genuine, honest, and have really
stepped up. I need that now more than ever. My family needs that. I’m not the
only one who sees it, Derek broke down about a week ago and asked “why don’t
people care about us?” Most people only care about themselves. But every now
and again, we find or meet someone new who has been just as let down in life
but that wants to be a part of something better, bigger… to have good people
you need to be good people but you’d be surprised how many people have no
issues just taking from you. Derek said, “we have all these people in our life
and around us, and who actually checks in? Who responds to our texts/calls? Why
are they here if they don’t actually care?” I don’t know. So call me crazy but
it’s obvious. Even if we don’t say it to you, we see it.
Then there’s the flip side. We see the people who try, we
see the ones who step up when times get tough. Instead of just talking the
talk. And God, are we soooo grateful for you. For your TIME, your ACTIONS, your
WORDS, THOUGHTS, PRAYERS, and good DEEDS. My family deserves to have people
walk the walk for them. They’ve been through enough. Dereks at his breaking
point and I am powerless to it. Him trying to juggle work while also trying to
spend as much time with me as possible because he’s scared to lose me is
pulling him apart.
Work seems pointless when you’re worried about time but
fuck we still need to live and the only way to that is with money. He’s burnt
The kids are resilient, thankfully. But they just don’t
deserve this. Not now at these important ages in their life. Connor still
doesn’t know and I’m dreading telling him. He’s been with James over the
weekend and I don’t want James to tell him. It’s my cross to bare but Connor
should be worrying about so much less. Celia shouldn’t be thinking about this
at all but here we are.
Ugh, I need sleep. My face is plugged from
crying/allergies. Sleep is so sparse between my emotions and stuffiness.
Cherish your sleep. Cherish your health. Cherish those good people who ACT
instead of those who just apologize for never being around. Those good people
are hard to come by.
Well, this got more angry than I intended but it’s part
of the rollercoaster ride. Clearly not in the right headspace today.
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