I know I sound like a broken record… but scrrrrrchhheehhh scrrrrrrchhheehhh sccrrrrccchhhh.
Cancer seriously saved me. I constantly look back
and think of where I was a year and a half ago and am amazed at my self
transformation. Don’t get me wrong I still have lots of work to do to resolve my
issues but it truly made my life come to a screeching halt and re-evaluate who
I was and what I was doing with my life.
A year ago I was so anxious it was becoming
difficult for me to leave my house. I was so angry all the time and projecting
constant negativity and thus receiving constant negativity back into my life. A
never-ending cycle of bad. I didn’t know who I was anymore or how I lost myself, to begin with.
Derek said the other day how care-free I use to be and
that was one of the reasons he fell in love with me. He said he sees that in me
again and I swear our relationship is better than it’s been in a very long
Tonight I wake up, can’t sleep, but rollover to just see
him asleep beside me and can’t help but feel so appreciative for him. We
haven’t laughed this much together since we were a new couple and we have such
deep, amazing conversations. One night we woke up at 3 AM and ended up
lying awake talking about life and where it’s taken us and where we want to be
on different levels.
He talks about how much we’ve grown and changed over the
last year for the better. The only downside we agreed, was realizing certain
people around us we feel we are outgrowing. It’s no one's fault, just different
stages of life.
Things could have gone so poorly… when I talked about
wanting a relationship with God he rose to the idea and met me there even
though we had always agreed that wasn’t our thing. When I said I wanted to
start pursuing a holistic approach to cancer he watched documentaries with me
and discussed the pros and cons with me and encouraged my need to travel this
This time has really shown me our unconditional love for
one another. He’s never complained about the extra burdens he’s had to take on
from my inability to do certain things. He’s never pressured me intimately when
doctors said with low blood counts it’s not safe to be intimate. He still hugs,
kisses, and cuddles me just the same and tells me I’m beautiful. Even after
surgeries that definitely changed my physical appearance and my changes in
weight and muscle tone.
I’m so damn lucky to have him. You know that saying?
“Behind every man is a strong woman?” Well, behind this strong woman is an even
stronger and more compassionate man. He’s my soulmate through and through.
Then I think of my mom. Before all this our relationship
was fine but I know for me my guard was still up for no good reason. I’m not
sure I’d hugged her since I was a kid? Then after finding out my diagnosis, I
remember so vividly needing her. Never in my life had I “needed” anyone but
that day I did. I couldn’t control my crying and panicking. She came over and
just talked with me and played cribbage until I was calm.
She selflessly came over every day to help me raise these
kids during chemo when I was sick or so weak and tired. I think how much time I
spent not hugging my mom or telling her I love her. Our bond has gotten so much
better, so much stronger all because I realized how stupid it was to not be
open and receptive to vulnerability with her.
Then I look around at the bonds I’ve created or even
ended with friends. Slowly, I’m realizing my worth. Slowly, I’ve been weeding
out the people who don’t contribute positivity to the friendship or who don’t
seem to put much effort into being friends but expect to gain from it from my
I have new friends I never imagined having. I know they
were brought into my life for a reason. Their overall goodness and genuine
light just lifts me up when I have a bad day.
It’s a pretty amazing feeling to have found Toni again
and to have these fulfilling bonds with key people in my life. I was literally
the problem in my own life. Once I let some of my own barriers down, everything
just slowly started to get better. In the end, I had to just feel all my
insecurities and get the fuck out of my own way.
Change has not been easy but damn has it been worth it.
I’ve worked my ass off on so many levels to be here right now able to say I
love myself, and certain others with honesty behind those words.
I might not have a lot of money or (as we all know lol)
be a pillar of good health, but man, do I have a wonderful life.
Every day I see another reason to be grateful and to love
as much as I can. My hurdle right now is boundaries. I love to give but
sometimes at the expense of myself.
Now that I’m learning self-love, I know I have to create
time dedicated to myself and my needs. My needs are fairly simple; family time,
pet snuggles, crafting, and laughs with my friends. I definitely will never
regret the time I’ve given to others but will I regret the time I didn’t take
for myself? There’s a balance I’m striving to and will find.
So, boundaries is my next personal growth challenge in
life. What’s yours?
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