Hear Me Out

 So, I had a pretty significant life event happen. I met with my dad for the first time in a VERY long time. My dad more or less disowned me when I turned 18. It’s been 15 years since I’ve seen him. A long, long, complicated story that I don’t intend to get into.


Anyway, (this will lead to this life event) about a month ago I started doing some research into life’s energy and frequency. It’s pretty fascinating. Literally, everything has and emits energy, has its own frequency. It’s scientifically proven and studied. Seriously, it’s all mind-blowing.


There was a study done and it turns out a persons heart has their own central nervous system in which some times heart transplant patients will actually take on characteristics of the person whose heart has been donated from. Another study showed the heart emits energy up to 8-12 feet outside the body and can be picked up.


So, last week after my meeting with Megan (my holistic doc) she wanted me to watch that weeks videos that she makes for in between our in-person sessions. I start watching them and they’re all about all the research I’ve been doing! I’m telling you again, there are NO coincidences.


Now, this next part is going to sound completely crazy to those of you who are not as open-minded, and that’s ok but hear me out…


Along with energy/frequency, part of my research and her videos is about how that energy actually links to other dimensions. When I say that, in simple terms, I mean essentially “string theory” about other planes of existence or reality within our own.


Most other cultures believe in this hence why they heavily meditate and use music/dance to communicate.


Well, Megan and my research talk about using meditation to enhance your energy and also tap into these other dimensional planes where essentially there may be other versions of yourself that made other decisions in life thus there is a healthy, non-cancerous version of myself. So, theoretically, if I could tap into that version of myself I could thus heal myself. I’ve been trying to focus on this energy nightly after I pray. You essentially will good to happen in your life.


Well, Wednesday night Derek and I decided we’d take the kids on a quick road trip. Derek wanted to go West but I’ve been that way so many times in my life that I wanted to go East. In the end, I told Derek he should get to pick. So, as we drove through South Dakota I had a fleeting thought of my dad. I decided to text him and extend an olive branch assuming he wouldn’t respond like usual.


Later that night I thought I’d give Megan’s suggestion to focus on this other dimensional plane where my dad actually accepted the olive branch and met me. I thought it would be a major test to see if something like this was possible with the most impossible thing in my life… I spent MANY years reaching out with either no response or lots of backlashes so it wasn’t like this was my first time reaching out and he was just waiting to hear from me. No, this was something that just would not happen.


I woke up the next morning to a text response that said yes, and that he had to go to this town to pick some stuff up. That town was 30 minutes from our halfway point heading back where we had planned to stay and roughly 2.5 hours from where he lives. So, in the whole state of SD, we were going to already be within 30 miles from one another at the same time.


You can think I’m crazy but I know how impossible this situation and likelihood was. I think people close off their minds when in reality we ourselves are spiritual beings with many amazing talents and skills. Our culture just doesn’t practice them so it makes us think it’s strange.


As soon as I watched Megan’s videos I emailed her and said I had just recently become super interested in all this information and had been researching it already so I felt like this was a huge sign that she had videos on it herself. So far, all my videos from her have been about cancer directly and how it works, how it starts, what the body does, supplements, what eating poorly does to you, trauma, the cancer industry, etc so I was not at all expecting these types of videos from her.


I truly think we are amazing creatures. I’m so grateful for Megan and all this new information. It makes me look at the world differently. In a super amazing way. I also know that because of her and someone I met recently, and myself, too, that my hard work is paying off because I wasn’t nervous to meet him. I use to be so emotional over that area of my life but I wasn’t at all. I know my past doesn’t hold any power over me anymore. Such an amazing thing for me because it always use to.


So, whether or not you choose to take this as anything, I know in my heart it works. You just have to have faith and be open-minded to the power of yourself. So, open your mind and let the positivity flow.


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